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53 Best Project Management Software Solutions for Your Team in 2024

53 Best Project Management Software Solutions for Your Team in 2024

By Diana Asbury

As of January 2024, there are over 2,100 project management software solutions on the market, according to Software Advice! The market is expected to grow by more than 10% per year, on average, for at least the next five years. That’s an overwhelming number of options to sift through!

With so many choices available, you’re likely wondering which software is right for your team. We’ve compiled a list of the best project management software options, including the pros and cons of each, to help you find the perfect solution for your company.  

What is Project Management?

Project management is a set of frameworks and activities designed to support the achievement of a project’s end goal.

That definition may seem a little ambiguous. After all, there are countless ways to support a project’s end goals, and the range of project management activities can be as diverse as the projects you encounter. 

Tools like the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK), provide the project management community with standard terminology, tools, and frameworks to help make sense of a wide array of projects and achieve positive outcomes more consistently.

Mastering these essential elements of project management will grant you credibility and allow you to walk into new client or project situations with greater confidence, even if you decide not to implement all of them for the particular project you’re managing. 

Benefits of Project Management

Project management acts simultaneously as your project’s blueprint and its insurance plan.

Are you able to complete projects without an insurance plan? Sure – but the risks outweigh the time and resource investment. 

Can you build a house without a blueprint? Once again, yes, but how long will it stand? 

A successful project manager provides those invested in their project’s success with a holistic view of what resources are required, what needs to take place, and peace of mind that if something is off track, it will be identified and mitigated effectively. 

Top 3 Benefits of Project Management Software

  1. Visibility – Views like an all project dashboard lets you know what’s happening across all your projects so you can identify at-risk projects before they become problems.
  2. Accountability – In a new remote work world, project management software allows you to monitor project status without asking the team “Whats going on?” every day.
  3. Organization – Project management software organizes process, projects, and documents by keeping everyone on the same page on what needs to be tracked, how and where.

Read more about the benefits of project management software here.

Ranking the Best Project Management Software

As of April 1, 2021, Workzone is ranked as the #1 project management software in all ranking categories: Overall, Functionality, Ease of Use, Value for Money, and Customer Support by user reviews at Capterra, Software Advice, and GetApp.

Ready to see the #1 rated project management software?  

About the #1 Ranked Best Project Management Software: Workzone

best project management software workzone project dashboard screenshot

The best visibility to your team’s work on the market

Most tools only offer users to look at one project at a time.

Only Workzone lets users see all their projects in one glance on its Project Dashboard.

Expert project managers by your side

The world of project management tools offers free trials and little to no one-on-one support.

Only Workzone provides unlimited and free support for every customer. No other software on the market offers such an extensive onboarding and training process included with their subscription.

Learn more
best project management software workzone helpful support team
best project management software complete project management software

Everything you need to manage your projects

Fancy and colorful interfaces litter the project management software market, but most lack the critical usability teams need to be successful.

Perfected over 20 years, Workzone combines ease of use with robust functionality. Giving you access to advanced features that help you manage projects more successfully.

View the product tour
Ready to see the #1 rated project management software?  

Best Project Management Software FAQs

Why would you want a list of the best Project Management Software Solutions?

Not all project management solutions are built alike. There is an incredibly broad range of tools on the market, which means no one option is right for every business and every team.

Some project management solutions offer simple, easy to navigate ways of managing tasks, while others boast an end-to-end business solution. Then there’s everything in between.

Maybe you’ve outgrown your old tool, or are choosing a solution for the first time. In either case, simply picking the first software that someone recommends could lead to disaster, if it’s the wrong fit for your team. One of the main reasons software projects fail is that users don’t like or can’t use the solution.

That’s why we’ve brought together a comprehensive list of the best project management software and laid out the pros and cons of each choice. So, you can compare the top options on the market and make sure the tool you select is the best project management software for your team and company.

Project Management Software Pros

A good project management software (and vendor) will offer the following benefits:

  • Is easy-to-use for the whole team but is powerful enough for complex projects
  • Keeps you organized, accountable, and focused
  • Shows the ROI of your team’s production to management
  • Vendor shows an interest in your success with regular interaction
Project Management Software Cons

The cons list is more about how you will use the software as most software is pretty good.

  • Too complicated and powerful for your use (e.g. you bought an enterprise solution but you only need a checklist)
  • Not knowing your top three needs (e.g. you need task dependencies but you bought a basic tool that doesn’t have it)
  • Inability to track work from a 10,000 ft view – You should be able to see all your work at a glance
  • Limited, paid, or no support offerings from your vendor – All too often they are hard to reach or you need to pay for time to talk with support

#1 Rated Project Management Software: Workzone

“It is easy and user friendly! It keeps all my tasks and to-do lists organized. We use Workzone in our weekly Marketing meetings to track everyone’s progress.”
Danielle Seabolt
Blue Rhino

53 Best Project Management Software Solutions

1. Workzone

Best Project Management Software project dashboard screenshot from Workzone

Workzone has been a major player in the project management world since 2002. They are known as the “just-right” solution for most teams, offering stellar customer success and support.

Pros: Workzone offers more than just a software solution. Through a proven adoption and training program, the team at Workzone helps build the foundation, processes, and discipline needed to drive project management success.

Here are some of the benefits of Workzone:

  • Project dashboard provides a portfolio view of all projects 
  • Personalized to-do lists help keep team members on track 
  • Unlimited Support and comprehensive onboarding so your team will get up to speed quickly
  • Project request forms and approval workflows
  • Ability to associate, share, and store documents by each project
  • Interactive Gantt Chart and Calendar for visual project tracking
  • Capability to set permission levels by project and document, so each person sees only what’s appropriate

Cons: Some users feel the search function could be improved.

Review:I feel like the time I’m spending in Workzone is never wasted. I also feel it’s really easy to sit down with someone and map out a new project, including dependent tasks, hour estimates, and so on, without having to worry that it will be a pain for someone to implement – we can brainstorm how things will go, map it out, then simply drop it into the system

-Source: G2

2. Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project has been used for ages in project management and is still popular today with many large organizations and Project Management Professionals. 

Pros: MS Project is an enterprise solution that likely has all of the functions you need, no matter how complex your project is. It includes resource and time tracking as well as reporting functionalities with built-in customizable templates. This tool may be perfect for teams who are project management experts.

Cons: Getting up and running could take quite a bit of learning time. All the advanced features may be useful for highly complex projects, but they can overwhelm users who aren’t familiar with them. MS Project typically requires an administrator or someone with deep technical knowledge of the tool to keep it running smoothly. 

Pricing: Ranges between $12.80 – $70.40/user/month for the cloud-based options, and $769 – $1,719 for the on-premise options. Project servers are quoted individually. 

Check out our list of Microsoft Project alternatives

3. Proofhub

best project management software proofhub

Proofhub is an all-in-one project planning software that was launched in 2011. 

Pros: With ProofHub, you will have access to all of your workflows, access permissions for team members, and of course, document proofing all in one place.  A bonus for ProofHub is its multi-lingual interface — perfect for remote workers and international teams.

Cons: Users complain about a lack of integrations, and that the user interface could be improved. Proofhub remains one of the more expensive options without a free version, which makes it a non-starter for small or medium-sized teams.

Pricing: $45-$150/month

4. is like a combination of Trello (a Kanban, card-based system) and TeamGantt (a dedicated Gantt Chart software). The software is designed primarily for customers in the IT industry. 

Pros: If you have an IT team that loves the Kanban method of project management, this tool could be the right option for you. Many users find this software user-friendly and effective in helping keep various projects and teams organized. The software helps you manage and report progress, track time, and collaborate.

Cons: doesn’t offer the ability to use subtasks, and reporting is limited (you cannot filter). There is also limited customization, especially for alerts and reports. While Kanban is a popular project method, it’s not great for managing long or complex projects. 

Pricing: Ranges between $15-$25/user per month.

5. TeamGantt

best project management software teamgantt

As you can likely guess from its name, TeamGantt is software built around Gantt charts. Much like Basecamp, it’s primarily a Gantt chart project management tool with commenting functionality. 

Pros: If your team loves Gantt charts, they’ll likely love this solution. TeamGantt’s interface is designed around breaking your team down by who is assigned which tasks on a certain timeline. The Gantt charts in the tool are flexible and dynamic and offer an easy way to manage projects.

Cons: Gantt charts are great, but most mid-size project management tools offer Gantt chart capabilities within their tools, as well as other important project management functionality that this software is missing. You also can’t upload projects from Excel or MS Project — only manual entry. So, if you’re switching from another system, transferring the data will likely be a nightmare. 

Pricing: Ranges from Free–$62/month for up to five users.

Check out our list of top TeamGannt alternatives

6. Clarizen

Clarizen is a tool for teams that are looking for more than just project management features. It’s designed as an “all in one” work management solution. 

Pros: Clarizen is a full-featured tool that can be used by many people and departments in an organization. It has features that you don’t see in many project management tools, such as accounting and invoicing functions. Clarizen helps provide cross-department insights so you can determine risk, scope, size, and estimates of company-wide projects.

Cons: It’s an enterprise-level tool that will take a while for your team to learn how to use it. Training and set up is included in the premium offerings, but it’s costly! Plus, Clarizen falls victim to being an “all-in-one” solution (CRM+), where it tries to do a little of everything instead of a lot of one thing. If you need advanced PM features, this isn’t the solution for you. 

Pricing: Not publicized – only upon request

7. Trello

best project management software trello

Trello is a drag and drop card-based project management system designed for the Kanban methodology. It’s similar to using sticky notes to track which phase of a project different tasks are in. 

Pros: Trello is a web-based software that is generally very easy to use and is mostly free –- which is why it’s one of the most popular lower-end project tools on this list. With Trello, you can invite outside members, such as clients, to view or collaborate on specific project boards. It’s also easy to share task lists and drag and drop ‘cards’ to show movements in task progress. 

Cons: Although great for task management, Trello has limited functionality when it comes to managing projects. You cannot link tasks or track dependencies. It’s also a poor choice if you’re concerned with monitoring budgets or estimates. Trello lacks the project oversight and reporting features of a more powerful tool like Workzone.

Pricing: Ranges from Free – $20.83/user per month.

8. Basecamp

A familiar project management tool for many project managers is Basecamp. Cutting out more advanced project management features so that its more easily understood is a big reason why Basecamp stands out among the entry-level tools.

Pros: While Basecamp doesn’t have project management features like Gantt charts, time tracking, and dependent subtasks, it can work as a suitable collaboration space for teams that don’t need the bells and whistles of more advanced solutions.

Cons: Perhaps the biggest negative in Basecamp is that it only allows users to view one project at a time. The tool also doesn’t offer the ability to track dependencies or run workload reports. While limited visibility is typical in lightweight project management tools like Basecamp, it makes it challenging to catch delays before they wreck a deliverable.

Pricing: Personal plans are free, and Business plans are $99/month for unlimited users

Check out our top Basecamp alternatives article

9. Workfront

best project management software workfront

Workfront is a US-based project management company offering an enterprise-level project management tool with document collaboration, issue tracking, and portfolio management features.

Pros: Workfront is one of the most full-featured tools on this list, primarily targeted at large corporations. The software also offers advanced image markup features that your team may love if you’re in the design or marketing industry. 

Cons: Workfront is built and priced as an Enterprise level tool. Small companies will likely not be able to handle the high costs of the software and its mandatory support packages. You will also likely need a dedicated project manager or support staff to manage the system for your team.

Pricing: Not publicized, quoted upon request.

Check out our comprehensive list of enterprise project management solutions here.

10. Teamwork

Designed to support Kanban project management, Teamwork is a drag and drop card-based system. But, unlike other card-based tools like Trello, it comes with advanced reporting features.

Pros: If your team loves Kanban, but you want something with more functionality than Trello, Teamwork could be the perfect fit for you. Some stand-out project features include privacy and permissions, real-time team member status updates, and invoice tracking. Teamwork also offers a full suite of productivity tools such as a sales CRM, chat, and help desk software that you can choose to integrate with its project management software. 

Cons: The software suffers a lack of advanced features when compared to most standalone project management tools. Users also complain about the inability to bulk move tasks –- everything must be done on an individual basis, which is time-consuming. Another common pet peeve is that there is no way to save filters within the software. You must apply them again each time. 

Pricing: Teamwork offers four different plans: a Small Office plan for $44.92/month, a Professional plan for $136.58, a Business plan for $228.25/month, and an Enterprise plan which is quoted upon request.

Only 40+ more options to go! Skip the scrolling and see why Workzone could be your answer.

11. LiquidPlanner

best project management software liquidplanner

LiquidPlanner has dubbed itself a smarter project management software for fast-moving teams. It uses a Gantt chart interface as its main project management view. 

Pros: LiquidPlanner’s software is resource-driven and makes it easy to see an overall view of your projects and what your team is working on. It has built-in reporting and time tracking and offers a card view for those who love the Kanban method. 

Cons: Designed for more technical users, LiquidPlanner’s adoption curve is higher than other tools. Coupled with extra costs related to onboarding, teams might start slower than you would like to. The tool’s Gantt chart view can be confusing and doesn’t allow for as much content/columns to view project details. It’s also not great for deadline-based projects. 

Pricing: $45/user/month for the regular plan, with an Enterprise package quoted upon request. 

12. Asana

Asana is a popular project management tool that has a lot of name recognition behind it. 

Pros: Asana is a hit with small teams due to its well-designed software. At various pricing tiers, teams can add traditional project management features as their projects grow. It offers plenty of integrations and multiple ways to manage projects. 

Cons: As your team grows their projects in complexity and number, Asana may have trouble keeping up. A drawback of Asana lies in having to rely on adding plugins and modules in order to scale. The software also has limited reporting and comes with no onboarding help. 

Pricing: Ranges from Free – $24.99/user/month; Enterprise quoted upon request. 

Need more Asana alternatives? Check out our post here.

best project management software mavenlink

Mavenlink is a project management tool that includes robust resource and task tracking capability. It also includes finance-tracking functionality. 

Pros: Mavenlink includes detailed permissioning, which is critical if you have a highly sensitive project with a lot of security concerns. The tool is also highly customizable and offers many advanced project features. 

Cons: Due to the complexity of the tool and the lack of support, the learning curve is steep. If you’re not handling high-security projects, the permissioning requirements may be aggravating for your team. Every user must be invited to a project to participate, and there is no ability to add an admin user who can be a central manager of the tool. 

Pricing: Ranges from $19/user/month up to Enterprise packages, which are quoted separately.

Read about more Mavenlink alternatives here.

14. Podio

Based in the US, Podio is an “all-in-one” collaboration solution that is based on the idea of an “open-plan online office.” 

Pros: Podio is unique in that it has more social features like peer recognition and sharing built right in. Designed with mobile in mind, Podio is a flexible and customizable tool and tends to work great when used as an app. 

Cons: Podio lacks a built-in structure, so if you don’t already have a strong internal method for planning and managing projects, you could end up with a mess. The tool is also missing some key PM features such as an all-projects dashboard or portfolio view. 

Pricing: There are four price ranges: Free, Basic ($9/user/month), Plus ($14/user/month,) and Premium ($24/user/month.)

15. Monday, formerly daPulse

best project management software monday

Back in 2017, daPulse went through a transformation to become Designed to come across as colorful and friendly, Monday wants you to kick the case of your Monday blues with the help of its software. 

Pros: The lower price entry point makes it easy for teams to jump in to use some basic project management features that teams need to be productive. is user-friendly due to its simplicity in its feature set. Some even report that it’s “fun” to play around with the drag and drop functionality. 

Cons: Monday offers no onboarding or support. There are multiple project views and options for managing projects, so if your team doesn’t already have clear processes and workflows in place, they may struggle with figuring out how to best set up and use the tool. 

Pricing: Starts at $39/month for up to five users

Here’s another list of alternatives!

16. Smartsheet

best project management software smartsheet

As a well-funded venture-backed company, Smartsheet offers a “work management” tool designed around spreadsheets.

Pros: If you love spreadsheets but are looking for something that helps address the problems of managing projects in Excel, then Smartsheet might be the right choice for your team. Smartsheet was designed to put power behind a traditional spreadsheet –- You can still utilize formulas, but now you also get some traditional project management features such as Critical Path management.

Cons: Because the tool was built to mimic a spreadsheet, its interface is limited when it comes to effectively manage more complex projects. Plus, project managers can create an unlimited number of “sheets” like in Microsoft Excel. Without a way to control this, you may end up stuck with many of the same problems of Excel, such as a slowed down or constantly crashing system.

Pricing: There are four plan options: Individual for $14/month, Team for $15/user/month, Business for $25/user/month, and Enterprise, which is quoted separately.

Check out our round up of the best Smartsheet alternatives

17. Workamajig

Workamajig is an all-in-one solution designed specifically for ad agencies and creative teams.

Pros: Workamajig includes invoicing and financial tracking features that are not available in many PM tools. Plus, automated timesheets help managers with creating project schedules, managing freelancers, and tracking time. It’s also a role-based software that can limit access, so users only see what they need to. 

Cons: Suffering from being designed as an “all-in-one” tool, Workamajig doesn’t have many of the project management features offered by other tools. You may even find that project management feels secondary to the software’s invoicing and accounting features. 

Pricing: Ranging from $50/month/user for up to five users to $32/month/user for over 100 users. 

18. Wrike

best project management software wrike

Wrike is a project management system built around the concept of using folders to organize work.

Pros: Wrike offers many ways to manage projects, as well as many options for viewing them. It has timelines, Gantt Charts, Kanban boards, and cards so your team members can work how they want. The tool also offers robust API/Integrations. 

Cons: Wrike is so customizable that it feels a little unfocused, and can be hard to learn. The tool tries to be everything to everyone – at the cost of usability. Plus, because the tool was originally designed as a document sharing solution, you’re stuck with a hard-to-navigate folder system. 

Pricing: Ranges from Free to $36.40/month/user with Enterprise plans quoted separately.

Check out our top Wrike alternatives blog here.

19. Microsoft Excel

best project management software microsoft excel

While Microsoft Excel isn’t actually a project management tool, Microsoft Excel is the dominant software people use for project management (which is why we included it on the list of best project management software!). Microsoft Excel Online is a pared-down version of the offline equivalent of Microsoft Excel.

Pros: If you’re already using spreadsheets for project management and you just want something that is accessible from anywhere, as well as easier to share with others, this could be worth considering. Excel works well for managing a basic task list for one person. 

Cons: Even though using spreadsheets to track projects may sound like a convenient alternative, there are significant limitations to the tool. Excel doesn’t have project management features such as real-time updates and notifications, extensive track changes, the ability to work in one document at the same time, or onboarding and customer support. It’s also missing the ability to track resources, multiple dependencies, and milestones.

Pricing: Free for anyone who is already a Microsoft Office 365 user

20. Scoro

Scoro offers a broad suite of products ranging from project management to customer relationship management (CRM.)

Pros: If you’re looking for a tool that can handle both your CRM and your project management, Scoro is a great option. It allows you to combine most of your client-related work in one system, including quoting, time tracking, billing, and invoicing.

Cons: Like the other all-in-one solutions on this list, when compared to stand-alone project management tools, Scoro doesn’t have much in the way of advanced features or robustness. Considering all the integration options out there today, an all-in-one solution isn’t necessarily going to be more efficient or cost-effective. 

Pricing: Ranges from $22–$55/month/user

Skip the scrolling!  

21. Bitrix24

Bitrix24 combines project management tasks, a CRM tool, and a social intranet altogether. It’s like a simpler version of smashing Salesforce into your project to-do list.

Pros: A big advantage of Bitrix24 is its ability to keep all of your conversations, projects, and company updates in one place. The company also offers self-hosted and cloud-hosted versions, so you can choose the type of software that best fits your team.

Cons: Each tier of Bitrix24 has set limits for storage, number of tasks and projects, the volume of communications, and more. This can make it complicated to figure out which option is right for your team, and you may end up having to select a higher cost model just because you need a higher limit on one or two features.  

Pricing: Prices range from Free to $151.24/month for an annual subscription of the cloud-based software. On-premise software starts at $1370.80. 

22. LeanKit

leankit screenshot

Acquired by Planview in 2017, LeanKit was added to the company’s productivity suite to attract engineers who need enterprise-level Kanban software. 

Pros: LeanKit is built around the Kanban belief of emphasizing optimization and eliminating waste. If you love using visualization boards but need a tool built for enterprises, this may be the right solution for you. LeanKit was designed for large teams and projects and scales easily.

Cons: LeanKit was designed with a very specific customer in mind. If you’re not running an engineering team in an enterprise-sized company, it’s not the right solution for you. Also, if you don’t subscribe to Kanban, or want to be able to use different methodologies on different projects, this tool isn’t the right choice.  

Pricing: Ranging from $19–$29/user/month. Enterprise pricing quoted separately.

23. Planio

planio screenshot

Made in Germany, Planio now has a worldwide presence with its heavy focus on time-tracking, issue tracking, and version control.

Pros: Planio is great at tracking issues and maintaining version controls. If your team does software development or another DevOps field, Planio could be a great option. It also offers loads of storage, team chat, and lots of content wikis.

Cons: If bug tracking, issue tracking, and version controls aren’t your priority, this tool may be more cumbersome than you need. 

Pricing: Ranges from $25-$199/month based on the number of projects and users.

24. Zenkit

zenkit screenshot

Zenkit may be best described as an all-in-one collaboration suite that includes bug tracking, project management, CRM, and invoicing.

Pros: If you’re in software development and want a tool that helps with project visualization, then Zenkit is worth checking out. It offers member-level swimlanes for your Kanban board and allows you to input time estimates for tasks or Sprints. 

Cons: As we’ve said a few times, all “all-in-one” solutions suffer the same flaw –- trying to do too many things makes them less than excellent in any one area. If you need advanced features, this isn’t the right tool. Also, if you don’t use agile project methodologies, you won’t find Zenkit useful.

Pricing: There are four pricing levels: Personal (Free), Plus ($9/user/month), Business ($25/user/month), and Enterprise (quoted upon request.)

25. FunctionFox

functionfox screenshot

FunctionFox is a Canadian-based company that found its niche in marrying project management with time-tracking. 

Pros: FunctionFox excels at client billing and time tracking. It includes timesheets, project tracking, and client management capabilities that service-oriented teams may love. There’s also a stopwatch feature that helps employees track the time they are charging for client hours as well as non-billable hours.

Cons: If your projects don’t primarily revolve around hourly billing, then FunctionFox may not be for you. Its main focus is on utilizing timesheets and time-tracking. Plus, if you need project management features such as Gantt charts or customized workflows, you’ll need to upgrade to one of the more expensive plans. 

Pricing: The Classic plan starts at $35/month; Enterprise plans start at $150/month.

26. OmniPlan

omniplan gantt chart screenshot

OmniPlan is part of the Omni suite of software, and it’s the only tool on this list that is solely available for Apple users.

Pros: OmniPlan is sort of the Mac equivalent to Microsoft Project. In fact, it enables you to integrate files with MS Project if you’re working from a Mac. This software offers robust project management features for managing large and complex projects.

Cons: OmniPlan is only for Apple users. If you or anyone on your team uses a PC computer or android device, they won’t be able to access your software. It’s also an enterprise solution that can be difficult for teams to learn and adopt due to its complexity. 

Pricing: $199.99 for the iOS version and $399.99 for the Mac version.

27. ProjectLibre

best project management software projectlibre

ProjectLibre is another unique solution on this list. It is the only tool here that offers free, open-source software. 

Pros: ProjectLibre boasts some of the best Gantt chart features available. Thanks to its user-friendliness and versatility, it’s been used by large and small businesses alike. The tool is also compatible with other software such as Microsoft Project, Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.

Cons: The ProjectLibre interface is a bit awkward, and it doesn’t have great UX, so your team may struggle with adoption. There are none of the extras that most paid solutions have, and while a cloud version is in the works, currently you’re limited to the desktop version. 

Pricing: The desktop version is free. The cloud version will have a monthly subscription fee when released, but prices have not yet been announced.

28. Zoho Projects

best project management software zoho projects

Zoho is an India-based company primarily known for its marketing automation and CRM capabilities, but it also includes project management. 

Pros: Zoho Projects is what we would call an adequately featured project management solution –- especially considering its price. Unlike many similar solutions, you can add unlimited users on any software plans, at no extra cost. If you already use Zoho’s other solutions or are looking for an all-in-one, the company’s ecosystem might be a great choice. 

Cons: The Zoho ecosystem is large, and that comes at the cost of usability. Don’t expect Zoho to have the same ease of use as simpler or more focused project tools. Project management also isn’t the company’s main focus, so if you need more advanced features, you should select another tool. 

Pricing: Ranges from $12–$100/user/month. 

29. CollabNet VersionOne

best project management software collabnet versionone

Headquartered in the US, VersionOne (who merged with Collabnet in 2017), was purchased by the TPG Group in October 2019. The company is still operating under the name CollabNet VersionOne and still offers a work management suite complete with project management software.

Pros: VersionOne is designed for software development projects built around Agile and Scrum project methodologies. Collabnet is currently the leading platform provider for Value Stream Management, DevOps, Agile planning, and source code management, making this a great solution for DevOps teams who need Agile-based software. 

Cons: VersionOne is an enterprise, Agile-based, lifecycle management platform. If you don’t need a complex, enterprise-sized solution, then there are better options for you on this list. Much like the other enterprise solutions, this tool can take a lot of time to learn and adopt. 

Pricing: Only available upon request.

30. JIRA

best project management software jira

JIRA is the flagship product of Atlassian. If you’re not familiar with Atlassian, it’s best known as the leader in DevOps. 

Pros: Highly customizable, JIRA can support Scrum, Lean, or Kanban project methods. You can create great reports within the tool for road mapping and agile project management. JIRA also has issue tracking and prioritization capability for managing items that must rise to the top of your priority list.

Cons: If your team isn’t technical and you don’t work on software development projects, then JIRA likely isn’t the right fit. Its main strengths are for bug tracking and issue tracking, rather than other areas of project management. Plus, the tool has a nomenclature all its own that can be difficult to learn.

Pricing: There are three main plans: Free, Standard ($7/user/month), and Premium ($14/user/month.)

Check out our top JIRA alternatives list

31. Targetprocess

best project management software targetprocess

Based in the US, Targetprocess offers agile project management software that supports Scrum, Kanban, and other agile project methods.

Pros: Targetprocess is another enterprise agile management solution. It offers a wealth of features, including portfolio level reporting, plenty of integration options, and enterprise-grade security. 

Cons: Some users find the software’s interface overly complex, and it often takes a while for team members to get up to speed. The company offers so many different customization options that figuring out the right solution for your team can feel overwhelming. 

Pricing: Only available upon request. 

What features are on your “most wanted” list?

32. Celoxis

best project management software celoxis

Celoxis is a web-based platform with a wide range of functionalities for managing projects, promoting collaboration, tracking finances, and managing resources.

Pros: Celoxis offers an all-in-one solution, including project and task management, team collaboration, risk and issue tracking, resource management, timesheet reporting, and more. It’s an enterprise solution that is great for complex projects within large organizations.  

Cons: Since it’s an all-in-one enterprise solution, Celoxis has a pretty steep learning curve. Its interface is complex, and it’s not very intuitive to use. So, you may find team members need additional training and onboarding time. Celoxis is likely too much for smaller teams and simpler projects. 

Pricing: The cloud solution is $25/user/month, while the on-premise solution is $450/user. 

33. NutCache

best project management software nutcache

NutCache has a clear, focused vision: to help you team up, organize, track, and deliver projects.

Pros: Nutcache was designed around the project delivery lifecycle to capture everything from the initial project estimate to the final client billing. If you handle a lot of small projects and bill your clients hourly, this tool could be a great option for your team.   

Cons: Nutcache was originally designed by an accounting firm to be invoicing software. While it has grown into project management software, it’s still missing some of the traditional functions such as Gantt Charts and customizable templates. Nutcache also only supports projects that use an Agile methodology.

Pricing: Ranges from $6 – $12/month/user

34. Redmine

best project management software redmine

Redmine is built and maintained by a community of volunteers, and it is a favorite of developers for project management.

Pros: Developers tend to love this tool because you have to know Ruby on Rails to implement it. Redmine comes with a load of extensions and plug-ins, so if you want it to do something, there’s a good chance someone has already written the code to accomplish it. Plus, it’s free. 

Cons: Redmine isn’t for project management so much as it is for bug and issue management. While the tool is free, it’s not the most user-friendly. If your team doesn’t consist of developers, they probably won’t be able to make this software work for them. 

Pricing: Free

35. Redbooth

best project management software redbooth

Redbooth is an easy-to-use task and project management tool that was designed to help teams improve their productivity.

Pros: Redbooth allows you to generate interactive Gantt charts for your projects. The tool also boasts clean simplicity and an intuitive design that many find easy to use. Redbooth also offers some more advanced features such as assignable subtasks, productivity reports, and more. 

Cons: Some users complain that the software’s customization capability is limited and that it doesn’t allow you to mass upload tasks or data from Excel. If you’re currently tracking projects on a spreadsheet or want to transition from another software, switching to Redbooth could be a nightmare. 

Pricing: Ranges from Free to $15/user/month.

36. Freedcamp

best project management software freedcamp

Freedcamp’s vision is to help people, teams, and organizations gain access to project management features for free or very little. 

Pros: The majority of Freedcamp’s project management features are available to everyone free of charge. Their advanced features are also available to nonprofits, teachers, and students at no charge (other users have to pay for these.) If you’re looking for a basic, affordable project management tool, Freedcamp is worth considering –- especially if you’re a nonprofit. 

Cons: Freedcamp is one of the simpler tools on the market. It doesn’t support some more advanced features like task dependencies. Plus, some users find the tool isn’t very intuitive, so it may take your team a while to learn how to use it.

Pricing: There are four product options: Free, Minimalist ($1.49/user/month), Business ($7.49/user/month), and Enterprise ($16.99/user/month.)

37. Assembla

best project management software assembla

Assembla is a code and task management tool designed for teams building innovative software. It’s a popular solution among developers of video games, mobile apps, and design robots.

Pros: If your team works on software development projects, Assembla could be an excellent choice. The software enables you to manage projects using multiple different methods, including Scrum, Gantt, Kanban, SAFe, and Waterfall. Plus, it offers a lot of security functionality to ensure your source code is kept safe.

Cons: Assembla was designed for a specific market. If your team isn’t doing software development, this isn’t the best solution for you. The tool can also be difficult to adopt –- Some users have complained about a lack of customer support and an outdated user interface. 

Pricing: Ranges between $9.17–$30 /user/month (sold in packs of 5 users.)

38. Intervals

best project management software intervals

Intervals by Pelago is for small to mid-sized teams working in public relations, digital marketing, and search engine optimization, as well as web developers, software companies, designers, and other IT services fields.

Pros: Intervals has many robust features, including time tracking, task management, reporting, workflow, and more. It also offers timesheet and invoicing functionalities to make client billing easier.

Cons: Some users complain about limited scheduling functionality. So, you may need to rely on another tool for employee scheduling or planning more complex projects. Intervals are also more expensive than many of its competitors.

Pricing: Ranges between $59–$299/month depending on your storage requirements and the number of active projects.

39. iMeet Central

best project management software imeetcentral

iMeet Central is a project management software for marketing agencies and enterprise teams.

Pros: For marketers and marketing agencies, this software offers a lot of great features, including campaign and project management, branded workplaces for clients, and project-specific workspaces that allow for collaboration with freelancers and vendors.

Cons: Some users have reported that the software is challenging to navigate, so it may take your team members a while before they can take advantage of all the functionalities. Also, if you’re not in the marketing industry, this software likely isn’t for you. 

Pricing: Ranges from $25-$45/month/user

40. WORK[etc]CRM

best project management software worketc

WORK[etc] CRM combines project management features with a traditional CRM tool. It’s a comprehensive solution offering sales, support, and billing features as well as project management. 

Pros: Many small businesses report enjoyment using this software. Small (two-person) teams can easily use it to communicate and share information in a central place, so projects keep moving forward. 

Cons: Because this software tries to do everything, it can take a lot of time for set-up and configuration before you get the tool to do what you need. Plus, there tends to be a steep learning curve, and it’s much more expensive than the other small business solutions on this list. 

Pricing: Plans start at $78/month for up to 2 users; Enterprise plans quoted separately

41. Kanbanize

best project management software kanbanize

Kanbanize is a Kanban (board and card-based methodology) online portfolio software solution.

Pros: Kanbanize has lots of feature-rich analytics and reporting, including a cumulative flow diagram, scatter plot chart, and multiple different cycle time charts (histogram, heat-map, trends, and more). Monte Carlo predictions can help quantify project risks and the likelihood of projects completing on time. 

Cons: Users have complained about the lack of integration options and difficulty trying to make Kanbanize work with their other software tools. While Kanbanize offers tons of features, especially around reporting, it can be overwhelming to learn, so expect your team to need a lot of time and support to get up and running. 

Price: Starting at $99/month for up to 15 users. 

42. ClickUp

best project management software clickup

ClickUp is best for multiple types of workflows and founded on the philosophy of bringing everything together in one place. 

Pros: ClickUp is a simple project management solution for smaller teams and projects. The software features a hierarchy of different project views so users can work whichever way they are most comfortable. It also has a colorful, easy to navigate user interface.

Cons: ClickUp is an all-in-one solution, which means it lacks some project features you would typically see in a dedicated project management solution. Plus, some users report the number of features and integration options make it difficult to adopt. 

Pricing: There are four plan models: Free, Unlimited ($5), Business ($9), and Enterprise (quoted privately.) 

43. ProWorkflow

best project management software proworkflow

Created back in 2002, ProWorkFlow was quickly acquired by ProActive Software Limited the following year.

Pros: ProWorkFlow is another program bursting at the edges with about every project management feature you could ever want. It’s biggest strength is its customizability. You can create different views for different employee roles, or for individual employees, so people only see what they need to. 

Cons: The software can be intimidating for anyone setting it up due to the volume of customization options. Some users complain about the reporting tools and limited templates.

Pricing: $10-$30/user/month

44. Function Point

best project management software functionpoint

Function Point is an agency management software solution for teams working within creative and design companies. 

Pros: If your team is part of a creative and design company, you will likely appreciate a tool like Function Point that has been designed with your needs in mind. The software offers time management, project management, budgeting, and supplier management functions.  

Cons: The amount of information within Function Point can seem intimidating for new users. Some people have also complained that there is a lack of customization for workflows and that the user-interface should be improved. 

Pricing: Packages start at $44/month/user for up to 9 users. Enterprise plans (50+ users) quoted privately

45. Insightly

best project management software insightly

Insightly, Inc. is a private technology company based in the US for marketing and sales teams.

Pros: If you’re managing a marketing or sales team, here’s another contender specifically aimed at you. Insightly features include activity tracking, report generation, and updating information on prospective clients. It also has a mobile app, and the software tends to get terrific reviews from sales teams. 

Cons: Insightly offers a CRM solution, a marketing management solution, or a combo package, each with multiple different price points. So, figuring out which option is right for your team can be challenging. The software also doesn’t have a lot of integration options and doesn’t scale very well with growing teams.

Pricing: Ranges from $29– $99/month/user for the CRM, $299–$1,299/month for the marketing software, and bundles are quoted individually

46. Yodiz

best project management software yodiz

Yodiz is another solution for Agile practitioners.

Pros: Yodiz helps you monitor your product backlog, prioritize functionality for each product release, and keep on top of an issue tracker that lets your team and clients easily report bugs via email.

Cons: Integration and compatibility with other tools is a bit lacking. There have also been complaints about the mobile app and the lack of customer support. 

Pricing: $0-$5/month/user with self-hosted plans quoted privately. 

47. PROJECT in a box

best project management software project-in-a-box

PROJECT in a box, by Prosis Solutions Limited, a UK-based company of professional project managers. It offers a wide range of Project Management products and services. 

Pros: There is a community version of the software that is free to use for individuals. So, if you only need a simple tool for one of your team members to create Gantt charts, this may be a good choice. The software also allows for unlimited tasks, summaries, and calculating the percentage of work done. 

Cons: The free version of this software is based on the PRINCE2 methodology of project management, so if you use some other framework (like Scrum or Kanban,) you’ll need to upgrade to a paid version. The free version also isn’t useful if more than one person needs to access the software. 

Pricing: Free for the Community version; £99 – £5000 for the various premium options, plus additional costs for training and support. 

48. QuickBase

best project management software quickbase

QuickBase is unique on this list because it isn’t actually a project management solution… It’s an app you can use to make your own customized project management tool. 

Pros: If you just can’t find project management software that suits your team, QuickBase, gives you the ability to create your own. Plus, you don’t have to do any coding, so even if you’re not a developer, you can still use it. Simply make a list of all the features and functions you need your software to have and put them together in QuickBase. Then voila –- you have a solution that perfectly meets all of your team’s needs. 

Cons: QuickBase is not a project management solution that is ready out of the box. You’ll need the people and time to dedicate towards building your own solution. Plus, the result will likely be a one-of-a-kind solution, so be prepared to have to figure out issues without much support. 

Pricing: Ranges between $15-$40/month/user

49. Pivotal Tracker

best project management software pivotaltracker

Pivotal Tracker is an agile tool for software development projects. It visualizes projects in virtual cards called stories that move through your workflow, similar to a Kanban board view. 

Pros: Pivotal Tracker is designed to help you break down projects into manageable chunks and focus on deliverables and scope. Like many agile tools, Pivotal Tracker’s Stories don’t have hard deadlines. Instead, they enable your team to make adjustments and pace their work as priorities evolve.

Cons: Pivotal Tracker is very efficient, but it’s definitely not for everyone. If your team doesn’t do software development or doesn’t subscribe to the agile methodology, Tracker isn’t a good option. It’s very rigid and difficult to customize.  

Pricing: Free for up to 3 collaborators and two projects. Premium plans range from $15/month– $750/month. 

50. Project Insight

best project management software project insight

Project Insight is a comprehensive project software tool to help your team function better together. 

Pros: If you love Gantt charts, you might love Project Insight. With this software, you can customize Gantt charts just how you want. Any set of columns can be included, so you only view the information you find relevant. You can quickly edit charts whenever you need, and the software allows you to track how busy people are so you can allocate tasks to whoever has the capacity to handle them.

Cons: Many users complain that Project Insight’s reports functionality is too limited and that it’s difficult to export data to try to modify reports manually. Project Insight doesn’t have the level of customization that many other tools on this list offer. 

Pricing: Ranges between Free – $35/user/month. Enterprise packages quoted separately.

51. ProductPlan

best project management software productplan

ProductPlan is a software solution that enables you to build product roadmaps.

Pros: ProductPlan lets you create roadmaps and team communication strategies to help visually map out your product vision, strategy, and plan. If your business focuses on delivering physical goods or products, this could be a great option.

Cons: ProductPlan is not a true project management software. Rather, it’s a product management software. If you’re service-based, ProductPlan likely isn’t the right tool for your team. It’s also missing many of the key features of focused project management tools. 

Pricing: $39– $99/month/user

52. GanttPro

best project management software ganttpro

GanttPro is one of the best project management software products focused on GanttCharts on the market. Why? Because it makes Gantt charts look easy.

Pros: It boasts simple drag and drop features. Yet, despite its simplicity, it can help you manage many complicated projects at one time. Some exceptional features include the ability to split tasks and subtasks, organize and schedule tasks, manage dependencies between tasks, and manage available resources by simply viewing information on the online platform. 

Cons: Like other software specifically designed for Gantt charts, it excels in the one area but lacks other features, views, and reports. Some users also report difficulty undoing errors and poor performance speeds. 

Pricing: $15/user/month for 1-4 users; $8.90/user/month for 5-14 users. Teams of 15+ quoted separately. 

53. Easy Projects

best project management software easy projects

If you’re new to this type of project management, Easy Projects offers a great solution. The company can do the implementation as well as training. Easy Projects offers many workplace solutions.

Pros: The Gantt chart software allows you to drag and drop items onto the timeline. It also enables you to see which employees are available to take on more work and who is maxed out. Joining HR aspects and project management makes life easier for everyone.

Cons: New users can find navigation and project set-up difficult. The search function isn’t great, and it can be difficult to search for past projects if you have a lot of history. The guest license (which clients would typically use) isn’t as user-friendly or well designed. 

Pricing: Try it free for 14 days, then $24/user/month for Teams. Enterprise packages quoted separately. 


This list of the best project management software solutions on the market should help you narrow down the top software options for your team so that you can confidently select the perfect one. 

Still trying to figure out which solution to go with?

Remember to consider not only the technical features but also the onboarding, training, and support offerings. 

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Diana Asbury is the Head of Marketing at Workzone. In this blog, Diana writes about project management, leadership, and marketing. She believes life is more fun when you have a lot to look forward to – at Workzone she’s able to live out her planning dreams every day.