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How To Manage Conflict Resolution: A Different Perspective

How To Manage Conflict Resolution: A Different Perspective

By Trina M.
Image credit Stuart Miles (Free Digital Photos)
Image credit: Stuart Miles (Free Digital Photos)

How to manage conflict resolution is a fairly popular subject right now. If you don’t believe what I say, simply ask that purveyor of all information Google and it will return 13400000 answers in less than 0.43 seconds.

To understand conflict resolution, it is first important to understand all facets of conflict.


This article has been created after studying the responses of over 70 professional project managers who cumulatively have 500 years of management experience. So we can safely rely on their insights and the very first one which grabs you for its counter intuitiveness is the validity of the conflict in the first place.

Though there is some dissent – understandably, most project managers label conflict as good and bad.

Good conflicts arise when multiple team members offer valuable suggestions as to the best way to accomplish or optimize a particular task. All life coaches firmly believe that “being in tension” gives rise to strong intentions. Conflicting ideas presented in a civilized manner with just a hint of competitiveness can super-charge the creativity of a team. It in fact is a minor victory for the project or account manager because it brings into focus the ability to individually brain storm ideas and processes of importance on part of the team members.

A conflict is possible only between suggestions of equal importance and for the lack of a better descriptor “weight”. When good conflicts brew, some wonderfully creative thoughts burst out of team members and vie for attention. It is okay to encourage creative conflict if you do know the way to resolve it satisfactorily.




  • The first requirement of resolving a good conflict is: understanding. As an account or project manager you must be willing to really think long and hard about the consequence and impact of the suggestions currently in conflict. Name the options A, B, C and so on and use the following chart to note down corresponding strengths and weaknesses.
Good conflict resolution grid
Good Conflict Resolution Grid

If done in an unbiased manner, it can result in the selection of the alternative most suited to the project and its objectives.

  • The next step then is discussion. And the best way to go forward with it is in a group setting. Discuss the analysis chart of each option and reach a general consensus as to its viability. This is a good way to get the message across without getting personally involved. Conflict resolution may seem suspiciously like favoritism to the party whose suggestion doesn’t get accepted. But when the whole team, unanimously reaches a conclusion, it is public will not a private whim.
  • Wrap up with appreciation. Thank all the individuals involved for their time and creativity assuring them that their contributions are respected. This puts “a bow” on the resolution process ensuring that good sound suggestions are welcome in future and in fact encouraged.

Once you help your team members embrace the process of analysis depicted here, they may use it independently and thus only the most viable suggestions and advice will wind up on the table cutting down the number of conflicts.




Bad conflicts arise when individuals clash because of a personal agenda. This may be gaining the limelight, settling grudges or simply getting ahead of competitors. No matter what the underlying cause of the conflict, it is not in the best interest of the project and has to be settled as quickly and effectively as possible. Surprisingly this resolution process also starts with understanding.

  • As a project or account manager you must now gather as much intelligence as possible and unearth the psychological motivations driving the individuals engaged in conflict. The following questions can serve as a good starting point.
Bad Conflict Resolution Tool
Bad Conflict Resolution


  • The next step is using your sense of judgment. Armed with these answers you can now use the filter of your experience and judgment to choose the next step. Either you can escalate the issue to your seniors following the protocol in place for such circumstances. Or you can set up a meeting with the conflicting individuals. It is better to have both parties present when you attempt resolution (unless there is sensitive information involved). This eliminates the feeling of bitterness that a “behind the back” deal has been struck and you as a PM are playing favorites.


  • Being factual and objective is of utmost importance. You must present your views regarding the resolution in a coherent yet succinct manner always giving importance to the project. Make the conflicting parties realize their responsibility to the progress of the project and suggest a possible compromise.


    Resolving conflict is a subtle art – one that is fine-tuned with age and experience. For newbie managers, the steps outlined here should provide a reasonably effective template.

    Till the next #ManagementMonday, stay in control and keep learning.