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Making Sense of Document Management Software

Making Sense of Document Management Software

By Jim Harkless
Content Lifecycle / Document Lifecycle
Content Lifecycle / Document Lifecycle (Photo credit: Saad Faruque)

Having access to real-time data is invaluable in today’s marketplace, and project management software is an indispensable tool for any sales professional or business of any size. While these software offerings have traditionally kept important data locked away on mainframe servers or spread out across multiple users’ systems, today documents can be generated, edited, updated, and managed from nearly anywhere in the world–so long as your company is utilizing cutting edge online collaboration software. Any organization that wishes to remain profitable and competitive should get the full scoop on document management: what it is, why it’s important, and what exactly you can expect it to accomplish for your business.

Document management systems have come a long way since their inception, but at their core, these programs provide security, reliability, and immediate access to the data that professionals need to achieve their goals. If a company is relying on emailing different versions of files back and forth, the situation is ripe for a potentially damaging security leak. One wrong stroke of a key, and a sensitive piece of data is fired off to the wrong company or contact. This isn’t a problem for companies that utilize project management software with strong, encrypted file storage with sharing capabilities.

Another concern with traditional, locally focused file management centers is the potential of working with old revisions of important documents. With a project management system however, users logging onto the web app will always see the freshest version of a file, even if edits were made just moments ago. This is a huge advancement in the way tasks can be handled and managed in modern companies. The sheer volume of costly overhead in archaic, traditional file system and the utter lack of collaboration tools are almost entirely eliminated with cutting edge file management software.

While major tech companies such as Google and Microsoft have begun offering their own visions of what simple, streamlined document management should look like, these products are primarily targeted at home users. While Google does offer Google Apps for Business, which includes cloud file editing and storage, companies may instead prefer considering enterprise-focused services. Some advantages of these tech firms’ document storage include a higher degree of security from malicious attacks, greater storage capacity, metrics tools targeted at business owners, and extremely low downtime with fast customer service response in the case of a hiccup. Some solutions have moved to the cloud, such as Workzone online document management software.

So while companies and other organizations can always manage to scrape using yesterday’s technology (think Microsoft Sharepoint), forward-thinking business leaders across the globe are looking to jump headfirst into the world of online document management. While the cloud is useful for entertainment and other personal technology needs, perhaps nowhere are its advantages so immediately apparent as in document management. Storing and accessing important files as well as day-to-day workloads comprise key functionality for a streamlined, successful business of the 21st century.