API Acceptable Use Policy

Users are given access to the Workzone API by creating an App under Settings.  Each App will have its own credentials – a Client ID and Client Secret. These credentials enable Workzone to associate API activity with the user’s account.  All activities that occur using these credentials are the responsibility of the owner of the account.

Developers must assign a unique ID to each person with computer access to Workzone information.  Developers must not create or use generic, shared, or default login credentials or user accounts.

Never share a Workzone account or API credentials.

Do not request access to or retrieve information that is not necessary for your Application’s functionality.

Only grant access to data on a “need-to-know” basis within your organization and among your Application users.

All calls must comply with API documentation.

Do not attempt to circumvent throttling limits through the creation of multiple Apps.

Users may not use the Workzone API for any purpose which might overburden, impair, or disrupt the Workzone servers or networks.

If any users breach any of the terms within this policy, Workzone may immediately remove access to the API.