Notifications And Reports

    • Notify Responsible Of New Task Assignment

      By default, when you assign a new task to a responsible party from the Add Task page (the second selection when adding tasks), Workzone sends an email to that person letting them know about their new task assignment. If you do not want to notify a responsible party for a particular task, uncheck the Send e-mail notification to responsible checkbox at the bottom of the Add Task page. An Administrator can have this box be unchecked by default by turning off the “When new tasks are assigned on the Add Task page” switch (under TASK RESPONSIBLE) in the the Event-based notifications in the left menu in the Projects section under Settings for All Workspaces.

    • Task Auto-Notifications And Reminders

      Workzone has a number of automatic notifications that you can enable to remind users when work assigned to them is coming due. To enable automatic notifications of late tasks for a specific workspace, select the workspace from the select workspace drop-down menu. Click the Settings link (gear icon in the top right). On the left menu, under AUTO NOTIFICATIONS, click the Email notifications link. These settings will affect all tasks of all active projects in the selected workspace.

      The following notifications can be enabled:

      • When tasks become late
      • Downstream non-summary task responsible parties when non-summary predecessor tasks are marked as complete
      • Downstream non-summary task responsible parties when non-summary predecessor tasks become late
      • 48 hours prior to task start date
      • 48 hours prior to task end date
      • When Projects fields are updated

      Notifications can be sent to the users assigned as responsible for the individual tasks within a project, as well as anyone assigned overall responsibility at the project level.

    • Caution Symbols

      Projects can help provide guidance to workspaces, projects and summary tasks that require attention. Yellow or red caution symbols appear in the Status column of items that require attention. Click the right triangle (?) next to an item with a caution symbol to drill down to the late tasks that are causing the summary item to show the caution symbol.

      A yellow caution symbol will appear in the Status column next to a workspace, project or summary task when one of its subtasks is late, but the item itself (workspace, project or summary task) is not yet late.

      A red caution symbol will appear in the Status column next to a workspace, project or summary task when that item is itself late. [This occurs when the latest task within the item in question is late.]

    • Projects Reports

      Projects reports are located in the Projects section of the Reports section accessed at the top of the screen. Descriptions of available Projects reports are in the Reports section of this knowledge base and can be accessed here.

  • Exporting Projects & Views

    Individual projects can be exported to Microsoft Project from the Task List. Mouse over the project name and click the icon (3 stacked dots) to the far right of the cell). Click Export to MS Project.Choose the format for your version of Microsoft Project (.mpx or .xml). Click Start export to confirm.

    You can also export a project to MS Project from the Project List under Reports.

    The Category field will be mapped to the Text 1 field in Microsoft Project. The Description field will be mapped to the Text 2 field in Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project does not display these fields by default, so you will need to add these columns to your project file’s display. This is done under the Insert-Column menu.

    The current view in Projects can be exported to Excel. Click the Excel icon at the top right of the Task List. The displayed projects and associated tasks will be exported as an Excel spreadsheet. To export all active projects and tasks, make sure that you have removed all filters (under the Filters button at the top of the page).

    The Excel file will have individual tabs showing information for Projects, Tasks and Task Comments.

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