Custom Project Request Forms

Note: Custom Project Request Forms is an add-on to Workzone. For details on adding this feature to your site please email or call 610-275-9861.

To gain a fuller understanding of the needs for a particular project, you can establish customized forms with specific questions and information.

Forms created under Settings in All Workspaces will show up in all workspaces (replacing the default generic form), or they can be designated for a particular workspace only. If one or more custom forms are created for a specific workspace (under Settings), these will replace the global forms for that workspace.

Custom request forms can be established by an Administrator in the Custom forms section of the Requests section of Settings. Click the “Create Form” button to create a new custom project request form. Enter a name for the form (this will be shown in the “Project Type” drop-down menu the user will see). Click the “Create” button.

When you first create a form, it is inactive and not viewable to users when they request a new project. When you are ready for the new form to be active for your users, click “Enable” in the “Status” column for that form in the Custom Forms page. Click “Disable” to deactivate (hide) a form that is currently active.

Click the name of the form to view an existing form. You will see the form as it appears to your users. Click “Edit Form” to edit the form. When you edit an active form, it will automatically be made inactive (hidden from users), and you will need to enable it to make it visible to users. Warning: any users currently filling out this form when you begin editing it will lose their work. When you are finished editing your form, click “Exit Edit Mode” at the top of the form to activate it (this can also be done from the Custom Forms page).

Delete an existing form from the Custom Forms page, by clicking the “delete” link for that form.

Form questions:

  • Mandatory fields: “Requested by”, “Request date”, “Project Type”, “Project title” and “Request Date” are always the first questions in each form (and are required fields); “File Upload” is always the last section of each form. These required sections are shown with a gray background when you are creating/editing a form, but will have the same blue background as your custom questions in the actual form that users see.
  • The “When do you need this?” field is required by default, but the settings for that field can be adjusted by going to Settings > Requests > Other Settings and finding the “REQUESTED DEADLINE” area of that settings page. There, you can rename that question and choose whether or not it should be required. Changes here will affect all of your request forms.
  • Click “Add Question” to add a new custom question to the form. On the “Add a Question” page, enter the exact text for the question as it will appear to the user. Click “Add explanatory text (optional)” and an editor toolbar will display (text formatting, linking, etc.) above the main text area for entering appropriate information. This is an optional, advanced feature. If you would like assistance, please call us at 610-275-9861.
  • From the “Answer Type” dropdown menu, select the Answer Type:
    • text (single line)
    • textarea (multiple lines)
    • date: (shows date picker calendar)
    • checkbox (single or multiple values allowed)
    • radio button (single value only; max of 4 values recommended)
    • dropdown: (single value only; appropriate for any number of values)
    • section break (explanatory text, no values)
  • Add values: if Answer Type is checkbox, radio button or dropdown, provide the values to display; no write-in values are permitted.
  • Required Field?: should the creator be required to enter a value for this field before the project request is created (the default is “No”)
  • Editing questions/values: click the “Edit Questions” button at the top of this page to enter editing mode. When you are finished, click the “Exit Edit Mode” button at the top of the page.
  • Deleting a question: Click the “X” link next to the question you would like to delete. Warning: when you delete a question, you permanently delete any existing data for that question. This cannot be undone so make sure you want to do this!

Reordering: Existing questions or answer values can be reordered via drag and drop. Click and hold the question or value and drag it up or down to the desired position (although the top three sections, Request, Project Title, etc. must be first).

In the edit form page, you will see an entry box labeled “Minimum lead time, working days” which, when specified, will only allow requested deadlines (the “When do you need this?” date) that includes at least enough days in between that date and the date of the request (today’s date).

Note: Once at least one custom question has been created, an optional “+ Add form instructions” link will appear, which is similar to the “Add explanatory text (optional)” option when creating questions mentioned above. This is an optional, advanced feature. If you would like assistance, please call us at 610-275-9861.

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