Copy Folders From Existing Workspace

Note: This feature is disabled by default. In order to use this feature, an Administrator must enable this feature under Settings for ALL WORKSPACES under Global Settings – Features to display. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and under Other Features, click the checkbox next to Inherit Folder Structure.

Once enabled, only Administrators have permission to use this feature. If you are a Manager or Contributor, contact your Workzone Administrator.

When you create a new workspace, Workzone allows you to duplicate the folder names and structure for the new workspace from an existing Workzone workspace. Select ALL WORKSPACES from the select workspace drop-down list in the top navigation. Click the Settings link at the top of the screen. On the left menu, click Workspaces.

Click the Add A Workspace button at the top of the page. After entering the new workspace name, click the box next to Copy from an Existing Workspace.

Select an existing workspace from the drop-down box, and you will see its top-level folder structure. Click on the name of the workspace with the file structure you would like to copy. Select team members who should have access to this workspace. Click Create. The folder structure will be created for the new workspace.

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