Project Request Status

When a project request is first submitted, it is given the status “Pending”, meaning that it is awaiting action from an Associate user (project Manager) to change its status to “Accepted”, “Not Accepted” or “Closed”.

Associate users (with access to the workspace) can change the status to “Accepted” by clicking the update link at the top of the request’s detail page and then selecting “Accepted” from the drop-down menu. This indicates that they understand the project request and intend to move ahead with it. If clarification is needed on the specifics of the project, the Associate and requester can discuss the request before it is accepted (see next section). Project request state can also be updated from the Project Request Dashboard by selecting the checkbox to the left of the project request and then clicking the Update Status button.

An Associate user can also change the status for a pending or accepted project to “Closed” by clicking the update link at the top of the request’s detail page or from the Project Request Dashboard by selecting the checkbox to the left of the project and clicking the Update Status button. This indicates either that the project has been completed and/or the request is no longer needed.

An Associate user can also change the status for a pending or accepted project to “Not Accepted” by clicking the update link at the top of the request’s detail page or from the Project Request Dashboard by selecting the checkbox to the left of the project and clicking the Update Status button. This indicates either that the project will not be done (the Associate should communicate with the requester the reasons for this using the comments page for the request).

When an Associate changes the status of a request, the person who originally submitted the project request will automatically be sent an email informing them of the status change and providing a link back to the project request.

Note: When a project is marked complete, linked project requests are automatically closed. To change this behavior, go to the Close on project completion section under Requests on the Settings page of All Workspaces.

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