Projects Sort Order

Tasks are automatically sorted in this order: 1) end date, 2) start date, 3) alphabetically, 4) priority — regardless of the order in which tasks are entered (either manually or via import). Within a grouping of tasks at the same level, tasks will be sorted first by end date; tasks with the earliest end dates will be at the top. If tasks have the same end date, tasks will then be sorted by start date, with the earlier start dates at the top. If tasks have the same end date and start date, the tasks will then be sorted by priority. If tasks have the same end date, start date, and priority, the tasks will then be sorted alphabetically.

Projects can be sorted in five ways. The default sort method is the same order as tasks: 1) end date, 2) start date, 3) alphabetically, 4) priority, 5) target end date, within a single workspace. To sort projects by alphabetically, priority, or target end date, within a single workspace, at the bottom of the page, select the drop down to the right of “Sort projects”.

Workspaces are always sorted alphabetically (in the All Workspaces view).

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