Partner Firms (Contractors/Vendors)

The Partners section of Workzone allows your business partners (contractors, vendors, freelancers, etc.) to load content into a workspace. By default, partner folders in Documents are not seen by Reviewers, allowing you to exchange information with partners without this information being seen by Reviewers (who are often given access when the content is copied to other folders that they can access). Partner users do not have access to Projects unless you specifically grant them access (under SettingsFeatures to display for the specific workspace).

You first create a partner firm and then create Partner users that belong to that partner firm. Partner users gain access to the workspaces to which the partner firm has been granted access. In Documents, a Partner user will only see his/her own partner firm folder and any subfolders and documents.

  • Create A New Partner Firm

    • Select ALL WORKSPACES from the workspace drop-down list at the top left of the page.
    • Click the Settings gear icon at the top right of the screen.
    • On the left menu, under PARTNER FIRMS, click Add/edit partners.
    • At the top of the main screen, click the Add A Partner button.
    • Enter the Partner Firm’s name.
    • Click the check boxes next to the workspaces to which the Partner Firm should have access.
    • Click Create.
    • Workzone will now prompt you to create a user account for the Partner Firm you have just created.
    • Fill in the contact information.
    • If you would like to email the Partner user instructions for accessing his/her Workzone user account, check the box next to Send email notification.
  • Assign Partner Firms to Workspaces

    A partner firm must be given permission to access a particular workspace. When you create a partner, you will be given the chance to assign the partner to the particular workspaces to which they should have access.

    To add or change the workspaces to which a partner firm is assigned:

    • Select ALL WORKSPACES from the workspace drop-down list at the top left of the page.
    • Click the Settings gear icon at the top right of the screen.
    • On the left menu, under PARTNER FIRMS, click Add/edit partners.
    • Click Edit next to the partner you want to assign.
    • To assign/remove the partner firm from a workspace, click the + or x next to the workspace name.
    • Click OK to confirm your selection.
  • Let Clients View Partner Folders

    By default, all Partner folders are hidden from Reviewer view. To make selected partner folders visible to the Reviewer:

    • Select a workspace from the workspace drop-down menu at the top left of the screen.
    • Select the Documents link at the top of the screen.
    • Click Partners in the left-hand menu to open the top-level Partners folder.
    • From the “More” drop-down menu (icon with 3 vertical dots) below the search box, click Edit folder.
    • Place a check-mark in the Visible to Reviewers box.
    • Click Save Changes.

    The Partners folder color will change from gray (hidden from Reviewers) to yellow (visible to Reviewers). This will allow you to select folders for specific partner firms for Reviewer view.

    To make specific partner folders visible to the Reviewer:

    • Click the folder name for the appropriate partner in the left-hand menu to open the folder.
    • From the “More” drop-down menu (icon with 3 vertical dots) below the search box, click Edit folder.
    • Place a check-mark in the Visible to Reviewers box.
    • Click Save Changes. The folder color will change from gray to yellow.
    • To deny Reviewer viewing, simply follow the above procedure and click to remove the checkmark from the Visible to Reviewers box. The folder color will change from yellow to gray.
  • Delete Partner Firms

    • Select ALL WORKSPACES from the workspace drop-down list at the top left of the page.
    • Click the Settings gear icon at the top right of the screen.
    • On the left menu, under PARTNER FIRMS, click View/edit partners.
    • Click Edit next to the partner you want to delete.
    • Click the Delete button at the top right of the screen.
    • Click OK.

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