5-Day Or 7-Day Work Week

By default, the system assumes that you work on your projects Monday to Friday, and schedules tasks only during these 5 days, automatically skipping weekend days. For example, if you have a 2-day task that starts on a Friday, Workzone will schedule it to end on the following Monday.

For those who work during the weekends, Workzone can be configured (by Administrators only) for a 7-day work week. Note: this is a global setting that will affect all workspaces and all projects. Select ALL WORKSPACES from the drop-down menu at the top of the page. Click the Settings link at the top of the page. Under the Projects section on the left menu, select 5-day or 7-day work week.

Click the circle next to 7-day work week and then click Save Changes. With 7-day work week enabled, a 2-day task that starts on a Friday will complete on Saturday.

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