
Each Workzone user needs to have a unique login and password. The login is the user’s email address. Users are set up by an Administrator or Manager, and then access information is sent to the user via email.  Each user then users the link in the email to set his/her own password.

Passwords in Workzone need to meet the following requirements:
• MUST contain at least 8 characters (12+ recommended)
• MUST contain at least one uppercase letter
• MUST contain at least one lowercase letter
• MUST contain at least one number
• MUST contain at least one special character (!”#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ )
• MAY NOT contain more than two identical characters in a row
• MAY NOT contain first or last name, email address mailbox or domain, or company name
• MAY NOT match commonly used password character patterns

  • Password Reset

    If a user forgets his/her password, the password can be reset from the login page. To reset your password from the login page, click Forgot your password? A window will appear, prompting you to enter your email address. After entering the address you use for Workzone, click the Reset Password button, and an email with a link to set up a new password will be sent to your email address.

    For security reasons, one user is not able to see another user’s password. An Administrator can send a password reset link to another user. A Manager can send a password reset link to a Reviewer.

    • Click Settings (gear icon) at the top right of the screen.
    • Under USERS on the left menu, click Add/edit users.
    • Click the checkbox to the left of one or more users.
    • Click the Reset Password and Email Access Info button at the top of the users list.
  • Change Your Password

    Click the Profile icon next to your name at the top right of the page. Select My Settings from the drop-down menu. Enter old password, create and confirm new password. Click Continue.

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