Let Clients View Partner Folders

By default, all Partner folders are hidden from Reviewer view. To make selected partner folders visible to the Reviewer:

  • Select a workspace from the workspace drop-down menu at the top left of the screen.
  • Select the Documents link at the top of the screen.
  • Click Partners in the left-hand menu to open the top-level Partners folder.
  • From the “More” drop-down menu (icon with 3 vertical dots) below the search box, click Edit folder.
  • Place a check-mark in the Visible to Reviewers box.
  • Click Save Changes.

The Partners folder color will change from gray (hidden from Reviewers) to yellow (visible to Reviewers). This will allow you to select folders for specific partner firms for Reviewer view.

To make specific partner folders visible to the Reviewer:

  • Click the folder name for the appropriate partner in the left-hand menu to open the folder.
  • From the “More” drop-down menu (icon with 3 vertical dots) below the search box, click Edit folder.
  • Place a check-mark in the Visible to Reviewers box.
  • Click Save Changes. The folder color will change from gray to yellow.
  • To deny Reviewer viewing, simply follow the above procedure and click to remove the checkmark from the Visible to Reviewers box. The folder color will change from yellow to gray.

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