Calendar Navigation

Click on a workspace name from the drop-down list at the top of the screen. Click on the Calendar link at the top of your screen. The calendar opens to the monthly view for the current month.

To see the daily or weekly view, click on the Day or Week link on the upper left-hand corner of the calendar.

To scan to a different day, week or month time slot, use the left or right arrow on either side of the drop-down menus located at the top center of the calendar.

To go to a specific day, week or month first open the calendar to the time frame you wish to find (for example, if you are looking for a specific week, click on the week link on the upper left-hand corner of the calendar). Now use the drop-down menu located just above and center to the calendar to select the specific month, day and year you want to view.

To quickly return to today’s date in whichever view you are using, click on Today, located to the right of the date navigation drop-downs at the top middle of the calendar.

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